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Clinical Kinesiology & Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)

Improve Your Sport Performance

Kinesiology Taping

What is Clinical Kinesiology?

Clinical Kinesiology is a holistic approach that examines how the body moves and functions, aiming to identify and address imbalances or limitations in movement. It combines the principles of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics to optimize physical performance and promote healing.

Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST):
Unlocking the Potential of Your Fascia

Fascial Stretch Therapy is a key component of our services, focusing on the fascial system—a network of connective tissues that surround muscles, bones, and joints. FST employs gentle, assisted stretching techniques to target the fascia, aiming to improve flexibility, reduce pain, and enhance overall movement patterns.

Leg Injury

Function and Mechanism of FST:

  • Stretching the Fascial Fabric: FST involves specific, targeted stretches that elongate and release tension in the fascial layers, promoting improved mobility and flexibility.

  • Joint Mobilization: By addressing the fascial connections around joints, FST helps optimize joint mobility, reducing stiffness and promoting better range of motion.

  • Neuromuscular Re-education: FST engages the nervous system, encouraging a reset of movement patterns and promoting more efficient muscle activation.

Benefits of Fascial Stretch Therapy:

  1. Improved Flexibility: Experience a significant increase in flexibility as FST targets and releases restrictions in the fascial system.

  2. Pain Reduction: FST can alleviate pain by releasing tension and promoting proper alignment, offering relief from chronic pain conditions.

  3. Enhanced Performance: Athletes can benefit from FST by improving their range of motion, reducing the risk of injury, and optimizing overall athletic performance.

  4. Posture Correction: FST addresses imbalances in the fascial system that may contribute to poor posture, helping to restore a more upright and balanced alignment.

Physical Therapist
Boxing Training

Who Can Benefit from the Service:

  • Athletes: Enhance athletic performance, prevent injuries, and support efficient recovery through FST.

  • Individuals with Chronic Pain: Find relief from conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and joint discomfort through targeted fascial stretching.

  • Those Seeking Improved Mobility: Whether recovering from an injury or simply looking to move more freely, FST can benefit individuals of all ages and fitness levels.

  • Anyone Interested in Holistic Well-being: Clinical Kinesiology and FST promote overall wellness by addressing the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and movement.









$40 + HST

$70 + HST

$95 + HST

$110 + HST

NOTE: HST is applied to all kinesiology services.

Book Your Appointment Today

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